Our philosophy is based on the Montessori Method, BILINGUAL DAYCARE BARE FOOT MONTESSORI is designed to encourage interactive learning, allowing children to learn, optimally at their own pace and in the way that best suits their learning style.
We value diversity and welcome children of all ages, from newborns to school age.
Our daycare is based on each of these components which are:
1) Provide quality care for all enrolled children.
2) Promote the integral development of the child by providing an environment consisting of:
- An orderly, warm and friendly atmosphere.
- A safe and healthy facility.
- Adequate spaces and materials in good condition.
- Establishment of routines.
A curriculum of study for children: practical life, sensory, mathematics, language and culture.
3) Nutritious menu and nutrition program.
4) Multicultural Bilingual Learning Plan for Children.
5) Be an emotional support system for parents when problems arise with their children.
6) Children will receive safe and consistent care during childcare hours.
7) Parents will have a greater knowledge of their child’s development, individual needs and nutritional requirements.

In BILINGUAL DAYCARE BARE FOOT MONTESSORI, all children are free to choose the activities to do and move within any space, without disturbing their classmates and waiting for their turn to be able to use the desired material. The activities to be developed will be formed by children of different ages, so that the little ones can observe the different skills and behaviors of the older ones and learn in turn by imitation.

Due to the tradition of our home walking barefoot. Experts agree that the best footwear for new walkers is to HAVE NO shoes at all. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, walking with bare feet allows children to use their toes to hold onto the ground as they gain stability with their heels. These movements improve the development of muscles used for walking.
BILINGUAL DAYCARE BARE FOOT MONTESSORI, founded in 2023, based on the Montessori method, inspired by our daughter Antonella. For us as parents, our children are a valuable treasure, they deserve all the love, respect, dedication and effort. My biggest motivation for working with children is to be a positive influence in their lives. Our approach is to be a guide for children and help them in their learning and development process.
Two essential elements for the method to be successful are:
- An adequate space with the appropriate tools and materials to stimulate the child’s learning.
- A guide who is present but at the same time limits himself to observing the children without intervening in their activities.
Offer a high-quality educational service providing children to promote spontaneity and autonomy, in a prepared, orderly, aesthetic, simple and real environment, where each element has its reason for being, for the development and learning of children. Finally, achieving self-confidence in children arises from a perception of competence, where children develop confidence for their own achievements, this allows them to feel more confident and self-confident as they learn and complete tasks and goals.
East of San Diego by 2025 I want to expand our license, leading in the Montessori field, making a difference by being efficient and effective in all our areas. Increasing our quality, capacity, organization and excellence, satisfying the needs of parents, offering a service that provides peace of mind, in a safe and reliable environment.
For us, love, equality and respect are the core values. That's why we maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere in which all children, parents and guides feel welcome. With good manners, principles, tolerance and empathy we all contribute to our children's physical, emotional and social development.
Our philosophy is based on the Montessori Method, BILINGUAL DAYCARE BARE FOOT MONTESSORI is designed to encourage interactive learning, allowing children to learn, optimally at their own pace and in the way that best suits their learning style.